Commitment to a Global Health Challenge

Our efforts to improve understanding and treatment of multiple chronic conditions

Multiple chronic conditions (MCC) is characterized by the presence of two or more chronic conditions, impacting one in three adults around the world. Through ongoing conversations with health leaders and patients, we identified MCC as an emerging global health challenge that Teva is uniquely positioned to help address.

Teva is committed to helping address MCC by supporting the design and implementation of evidence-based care programs targeting concrete outcomes.  Working with partners across sectors, we have the potential to improve quality of life for people suffering from MCC and their caregivers – while decreasing health costs to individuals and society.

Battling Multiple Chronic Conditions Together

Highlights from Teva’s panel during the World Health Assembly

This video shares highlights from Teva’s high-level panel in May 2019: Putting Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions at the Center of Universal Health Coverage.

Understanding the Impact and Challenges of Multiple Chronic Conditions

Woman with bangs

Multiple Chronic Conditions: The Global State

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Multiple Chronic Conditions: infographic

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New Partnership to Improve Care for Multiple Chronic Conditions

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Meeting the challenge of multiple chronic conditions

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Mt. Sinai Publishes New Research Highlighting Novel Approach for Multiple Chronic Conditions

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